2017年6月10日 星期六

[Japan] 京都,右京區(嵐山),嵐山よしむら手打蕎麥麵 (Arashiyama Yoshimura)

When I arrived Arashiyama, the first thing I did is to find the Arashiyama Yoshimura and reserve a seat. Even I make the reservation at 11:30, I still need to wait 3 hours to come back. It's not that easy to find it. It located in a yard. When you see the sign in the first photo. Just get in, and you'll see the door of Arashiyama Yoshimura as above. Find the waitress to book a seat.

現在餐廳已經提供中文菜單,實在方便許多,不多說,就選了「本店最受歡迎的菜色」- 渡月膳。
It has the Mandarin version of the menu which is helpful for me to decide which I want to eat. Just order the most popular, Togetsu-Zen.

The beautiful chopsticks.

The Tempura Bowl. I like the tempura in Japan because the coating is really thin. Just use to keep the original flavor of the food. So the food can keep the natural sweet.

The Sansai Soba. The vegetables are cooked really simple, try to keep their original taste. The soba is not a strong taste food, either. Slow down and eat with your heart, enjoy the natural flavor of the foods.

The Zaru Soba. You may add the green onion and wasabi into the soy sauce to provide more strong taste for the sauce. With the chewy soba, it's really delicious, so yummy.

After finished the soba, the waitress serves a cup of soup. Add the soup to the soy sauce, it became the soup of this lunch. It's interesting and scrumptious.

〒616-8385 京都府京都市右京区嵐山渡月橋北詰西二軒目

